"Before all else, our study should aim principally and ardently at this that we might be able to be useful to the souls of our neighbours."
Primitive Constitutions of the Order of Preachers, prologue
Study is an essential part of our Dominican life. We study primarily the truth of the Catholic Faith, as it is revealed in the Church through Scripture and Tradition, and all that is true and helpful to our ministry of evangelisation, catechesis and doctrinal formation. We have a minimum of 2 hours of daily study.
All sisters engage in study all their lives, and most are currently working to obtain various certificates and degrees in Theology and Catechetics.

Study is for us Dominicans a means to seek and come to contemplate God who reveals himself through his Word to our intelligence illumined by Faith. The gifts of the Holy Spirit also help us to raise the eyes of our mind to God.
Study is also a means to love our neighbours. We do not study for ourselves, but for the sake of those we are called to serve and help discover the treasure of the Catholic Faith.

Many of our sisters undertake studies from the Maryvale Institute, Lux in Tenebris, and Claritas Spiritual Theology as part of their intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral formation, as well as having classes in the priory taught by our sisters.
Formation subjects include: Sacred Scripture, Thomistic Philosophy, Systematic Theology, Dominican Liturgy, Magisterial Documents on Religious Life, and Dominican History.
“Grant me, O Lord my God,
a mind to know you,
a heart to seek you,
wisdom to find you,
conduct pleasing to you,
faithful perseverance in waiting for you,
and a hope of finally embracing you.
St Thomas Aquinas, O.P.