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What are the minimum requirements to discern with the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph?
Practicing Catholic female; single; 18-35yrs; of good physical, psychological, and spiritual health.  No Canonical impediments.

Do you have to have a university degree to enter?
What if I have debt?
It depends what sort of debt it is.  If you have UK student loans, this is not a problem; however, if you have student debt from outside the UK, you would need to be released from them.
All other debts (personal, credit card, loans, etc.) must be repaid in full before entrance.

Do you have pets?
No, we do not, owing to allergies of some of the sisters. However, as our convent is in the New Forest we are surrounded by wildlife and frequently spot birds, squirrels, ponies, and other animals!

Do you have annual holidays/vacations or family visits?
After the first three years of initial formation, each sister has three weeks to set aside for family/home visits.  During postulancy (1st year), there is a one week home visit.  Outside of the one year canonical novitiate (2nd year of initial formation), Sisters' families are permitted to visit throughout the year as arranged with the prioress.  Fairly soon after their First Profession, sisters are permitted a two week home visit.  Each year that follows, a three week home visit is permitted.

Do you all use technology?
Yes - for the apostolate, for study, and email. We have limited use of the internet during the years of initial formation to allow for greater time and concentration spent on the discernment of one's vocation, and growth in love of God and community.


More questions to come...


On Vocation & Discernment

2020 Reception of the Dominican Habit - Recording of the Clothing
Ask the Sisters: Postulancy - and Beyond!
Candlemas & Consecrated Life (2021)
Introducing... Sr Máire Cooey!
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